SAT® Information for Parents
A Guide to Help Your Child Prepare for The Exam

Preparing for the SAT® can be challenging for any student. So, how can you best support your high schooler as they navigate study guides and take practice tests? There’s a lot you can do to boost their confidence so they can boost their score.
Parent helping their kid prepare for the SAT

A high SAT score can get your student into the college of their dreams and provide scholarship opportunities to help pay for tuition. Our SAT informational guide for parents will give you all the information you need to help your child prep for the test.

When Should Your Student Start Preparing for the SAT?

Students need ample time to review SAT study materials, take practice tests, and understand their strengths and weaknesses so they can focus on areas needing improvement. Six months of prep time is recommended. Students who don’t score as well as they want the first time can then retake the exam before most college application deadlines. Retaking the SAT allows your child to take advantage of superscoring.

An SAT prep schedule that includes one retake can look like this:

Timeline Process
Fall (September-November)
  • Take a diagnostic test
  • Create an SAT study plan
  • Start SAT prep
End of fall through winter 6-month prep time
Spring (March-May) Take the SAT for the first time
End of spring through summer SAT prep for retake
Fall of Senior year Retake the SAT

Encourage your child to take the PSAT® and other diagnostic practice tests that predict how well they'll score on the SAT. These assessments help your student determine which subject areas to work on and how much practice to put in to obtain their dream score.

While scheduling obstacles are sure to come up, work with your child to put together a study schedule that will see them preparing little by little regularly in the 3 to 6 months before the test. An ideal study plan will start in the spring or summer before junior year, but any prep time is better than none. Even students who establish their study strategies just a few months ahead of the test can make better use of the time available than those without a schedule.

How Can Parents Help Their Kids with the SAT?

The core components of an effective study plan are an early start and a realistic outlook. Key pointers to help prepare your child for the SAT include:

Understand the SAT

By better understanding the SAT, you can help your child study more effectively and limit their stress and misconceptions. Remember that the exam’s format has changed since you were in high school, so here are the differences between the previous version and today’s exam:

Paper vs Digital SAT

While the test format, topics, and concepts have significantly changed, scoring is the same. The SAT is scored on a 400 to 1600 point scale, with 200 to 800 points awarded for the Reading and Writing section and 400 to 800 points awarded for the Math section.

Students gain points for correct answers but are not penalized for incorrect choices. The SAT's new adaptive testing format adjusts the difficulty of questions in the second section of both subject areas based on how your child performs in the first section. The number of correct responses required for a given score varies from test to test based on what questions are served. On some tests, a student who missed 1 question in each section could still get a perfect 1600, while on another test a 1560.

The SAT is administered multiple times throughout the year, generally on a Saturday in March, May, June, August, October, November, and December. The deadline to sign up for a test is usually about a month before the test date, and scores are typically reported about 2 weeks after the test. For the current SAT test schedule, visit our SAT Registration and Test Dates page.

Make sure your child follows a schedule

Consistency outweighs intensity when it comes to practice. If your child begins studying 3 to 6 months ahead of the exam, dedicate one hour per week to test prep. The hour can be divided into 2 half-hour sessions over the week or three 20-minute sessions.

To help you get started:

  • Sit down with your child and decide how much time they can reasonably set aside each week for SAT test prep.
  • Create a study plan based on their learning aptitude and prep time.
  • Save important SAT-related dates on your calendar to ensure your child can take tests with plenty of time to submit scores to their chosen colleges.

As you're developing that schedule, consider dividing time by exam section. A week studying the Reading section may provide more opportunities to develop and test new strategies – and learn from mistakes – than a week spent working on both sections.

If you need help creating a study plan, our guide on how to study for the SAT will show you how to develop a 6-month, 3-month, or 1-month schedule based on the amount of prep time available.

Is your child on track for a 1500 on the SAT?
Get top-tier SAT prep with flexible scheduling and tutor-level quality—at an affordable price.
Engage in realistic Digital SAT prep on any device.

Find quality test-prep resources

There are numerous test-prep resources on the market, so find one that fits your student's needs and your budget. The most valuable and proven resources will provide exam-like questions, thorough answer explanations that fill knowledge gaps, adaptable study aids, and personalized performance tracking. Our article is here to help you choose the perfect SAT test prep for your child.

Become a study buddy

You can't sit with your child while they take the exam, but with the help of this SAT information for parents, you can help them on the journey to exam success by:

  • Holding them accountable to a study schedule.
  • Working through practice questions together.
  • Cheering them on as their performance on practice tests improves.
  • Minimizing distractions and burnout with a designated study area away from TVs, cell phones, and siblings.

Be there for emotional support

Your child's mindset plays a significant role in the effectiveness of their practice. Students who believe in themselves and are comfortable with the test before taking it are more likely to score well the first time or improve their score a second or third time. Let your student know that any weaknesses or disappointing scores are growth opportunities that present an ideal chance to boost their score when taking the test again.

How Do You Motivate Your Teen to Prepare for the SAT?

Explore higher-education options with your teen. If a particular college or university strongly appeals to them, look into the average SAT scores of students admitted. Inquire whether the school offers scholarships tied to a particular score range. Admission and scholarship chances provide a powerful motivator for many students.

Ensure your teen understands that the SAT is not a test of intelligence but college readiness. According to a study from Opportunity Insights at Harvard University, SAT and ACT scores are the strongest predictors of how well a student will do in college.1

Students who perform well in high school classes often assume they will do well on the SAT. However, unfamiliarity with the exam's questions, format, and timing can prevent even the brightest students from performing as well as they expect. Make sure your child is well prepared but not overconfident.

Tips for Parents on SAT Test Day

The last thing you want on SAT test day is for your kid to feel unnecessarily stressed about whether they have everything they need. Review the instructions for what to bring on test day. Ideally, encourage your child to organize these items the night before so they can focus on the test that morning.

Focus on your teen getting a good night's sleep and enjoying a healthy breakfast before the test. If your child has been following a study plan, little can be gained from cramming the night before.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Online resources with exam-like practice questions, detailed answer explanations, and personalized performance tracking can help you see where your child is with their SAT preparation and the specific content areas they need to work on.
You can request a new test date or testing center through your child’s College Board® account. However, corrections to personal information — name, date of birth, etc.— typically require contacting the College Board by phone.
Most colleges superscore the SAT, which means they will look at all tests and take the highest score from each section. Some exceptions do exist, so review the target college’s policy.
SAT testing accommodations are available but must be requested through your Services for Students with Disabilities coordinator.
Your child can send all or some of their SAT scores to any college through their College Board account. However, some colleges request that students submit all their scores. If you’re unsure, review the college’s policy on its website or view the policy requirements through your student’s College Board account.


1. Friedman, Sacerdote, & Tine. (2024, January). Standardized Test Scores and Academic Performance at Ivy-Plus Colleges. Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

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