Are You Getting the Most Out of Your AP® Class?
Colleges are looking for students who are passionate and motivated to succeed. Your AP class is a great place to begin showing them.
Colleges are looking for students who are passionate and motivated to succeed. Your AP class is a great place to begin showing them.
Find out when you’ll receive your ACT score report and what to do once you receive it.
Before you climb into the SAT® cockpit your junior and/or senior year, the PSAT affords you the opportunity to practice for the SAT.
I am so excited to announce that we have launched a brand new test-prep resource for high school students — the PSAT® Practice Test!
Both the SAT and the ACT are major examinations, and many students find that they do not perform as well as they would like the first time they take these tests. As a result, many opt to retake them, especially if they took the test for the first time during their junior year of high school.
Registering for the SAT test sounds like it should be easy, but it’s actually a bit complicated and takes around 30 minutes to complete. If you make a mistake during the registration process, it could make it more difficult for you to get your chosen testing date. Here’s a closer look at how to register for the SAT properly.
Follow our ACT® experts 5 simple steps that can help you achieve a perfect 36 score on your ACT exam.
In 2018, this question was answered by approximately 4 million students. Out of that 4 million, 1.9 million took the ACT, and 2.1 million took the SAT; about 40% of students took both.
Sometimes it all feels like too much. Tough classes to power up your GPA, extracurricular activities and volunteer projects to boost your resume, scholarship applications to bank the needed funds and then you’re supposed to study for hours to score in the top percentile for the SAT or ACT exams?
Learn how to prep for the SAT® or ACT® from a high school teacher. Our test prep expert goes over how to strategically study for these entrance exams.