How To Approach AP® Human Geography Multiple Choice Questions

In this guide, we’ll share tips on how to approach the AP® Human Geography multiple-choice questions, provide examples of different questions types, and offer strategies on how to score well.
Map of world with neon connection lines demonstrating the interconnectedness of the world.

Format of the AP Human Geography MCQ section

The multiple choice section of the AP Human Geography exam includes 60 questions. Each question has five possible answers, with only one correct answer. All units are assessed in the MCQ section, with slightly fewer questions coming from unit one. Some questions are based on a stimulus like data, maps, or graphics. Some questions are stand-alone questions, and others are set-based questions.

How to Approach AP Human Geography Multiple-Choice Questions

For many students, the AP Human Geography MCQ section can be the most difficult because there are a total of 60 questions and only 60 minutes to answer all of them. That’s just one question a minute! 30-40% of the questions include a stimulus (map, graph, table, etc.). It can be a challenge to understand the stimuli and select the correct answers in that amount of time. Here are some pointers to help you prepare for the difficulty of the questions and work quickly.

  1. Read the question first.

    Because of the limited time available to answer the AP Human Geography multiple-choice questions, you cannot afford to lose time trying to understand everything about the stimulus (if one is present). Instead, read the question and then dig through the stimulus for the information that will help you choose the correct answer. The question will provide context in which to interpret the stimulus and make it easier to locate relevant information quickly.

  2. All parts of an answer must be accurate for the answer to be correct; partly right isn't close enough.

    Sometimes students are duped into thinking an answer is correct because part of the answer choice is right. However, the rest of the answer may contain incorrect information, rendering the entire answer incorrect. For example, eliminate answers that contain inconsistencies in data or are unrelated to the theory defined by the question. If you are unable to determine the correct answer, concentrate on determining what makes each answer choice incorrect. Eliminating obviously incorrect answers will help you narrow your options and, if necessary, make a better guess.

  3. Answer every question.

    There is no penalty on the exam for incorrect answers, so you should always take your best guess because the odds are better if you record an answer for every question.

AP Human Geography Multiple Choice Examples

Here are some sample AP Human Geography multiple-choice questions.

Region Population
in 2021
Yearly Percent
of Growth
Africa 1.3 billion 2.49
Asia 4.6 billion 0.86
Europe 748 million 0.06
Latin America and the Caribbean 654 million 0.9
Northern America 369 million 0.62
Oceania 42 million 1.31
Source: United Nations Population Division.
According to the table, which of the following regions has the shortest population-doubling time?
  1. Africa
  2. Europe
  3. Latin America and the Caribbean
  4. Northern America
  5. Oceania
Correct Answer: A

shrine temple

The structure shown in the image is a shrine temple that reflects the shared cultural practices of Shintoism and Buddhism. In which of the following countries are both major religions practiced?
  1. China
  2. India
  3. Japan
  4. South Korea
  5. Vietnam
Correct Answer: C

MCQ Example 3

The boundary between the United States and Canada, which was finalized in 1846 after decades of dispute, is considered a geometric boundary. Which of the following characteristics applies to this term?
  1. The boundary was established along existing ethnic boundaries
  2. The boundary was established along the 49th parallel
  3. The boundary was established along religious lines
  4. The boundary was established by Native American tribes
  5. The boundary was established following natural land formations
Correct Answer: B
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How can I Practice AP Human Geography Multiple-Choice Questions?

One of the best ways to improve your AP Human Geography MCQ score is to practice by answering a lot of questions. This allows you to become familiar with commonly-assessed information as well as how questions are worded. It’s a good idea to practice answering MCQs at your own pace, at least initially, so you can think about each answer carefully. After you have developed your confidence and skills, you should start answering practice questions at the same pace as on the exam: about one minute per question.

Now that you know everything about how to approach this section, it’s time to start your AP Human Geography MCQ practice. UWorld’s AP Human Geography prep course, which comes with a comprehensive study guide and an extensive QBank, is an excellent resource with over 500 questions written very similarly to those found on the actual exam. UWorld provides explanations to help you understand why one answer is correct and others are incorrect. Knowing how to determine where you may have erred while answering a question helps you avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

The MCQ section of the exam is graded by a computer. Students are rewarded for each correct response. Missing responses or wrong responses are not deducted from your score.
The MCQ section of the AP Human Geography Exam must be completed in 60 minutes.
The College Board® does not typically make their MCQs from past exams available publicly. That is why a resource like UWorld is the best way to practice for that section of the exam.
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  1. AP Human Geography: About the Course. (2024) Retrieved December 12, 2024, from
  2. AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description. (Fall 2020). Retrieved December 12, 2024, from

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