AP® Psychology Study Tips
Your Path to Scoring a 5

Having a solid plan in place to take the AP® Psychology exam will help ease any stress you may feel about it and set you up for success. We’ve created a detailed AP Psychology study plan that will help you get the highest score possible and even help you get into your dream college. Passing this exam takes hard work and dedication, but with the right AP Psych study materials and a thoughtful study plan, you can absolutely achieve this goal.

What We’ll Cover in This AP Psych Study Plan

How Is the AP Psychology Exam Structured?

The AP Psychology exam consists of two main sections. In Section 1, you'll tackle 100 multiple-choice questions. You'll have 1 hour and 10 minutes to work on this section, which counts for 66.7% of your exam score.1 These multiple-choice questions will test your understanding of various course topics. You'll need to define and explain these topics and apply your skills in concept application, data analysis, and scientific investigation.

In Section 2, you'll encounter two free-response questions (FRQs). You'll have 50 minutes to complete this section, contributing 33.3% to your overall exam score.1 In the free-response questions, you'll be asked to explain behavior and apply theories using concepts from different theoretical frameworks or subdomains within the field of psychology. You'll also need to analyze psychological research studies, including the interpretation of quantitative data.2 It's essential to prepare for both sections to do well on the AP Psychology exam.

What Information Does the AP Psych Test Cover?

The 2024 AP® Psychology exam is designed to assess your knowledge across all nine units outlined in the course and exam description. A breakdown of all nine units can be found in the following section.

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Image showing odorant molecules from a scented candle being inhaled into the nasal cavity.

Question Types on the AP Psychology Exam

The AP Psychology exam includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that test knowledge and free-response questions (FRQs) that require in-depth essay responses to demonstrate understanding and critical thinking.4

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

AP Psychology's Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) contribute 66.7% of your total score, testing your knowledge across diverse psychological areas. You'll define, explain, analyze data, and apply concepts to real-life situations. Topics vary widely, so be ready for a broad spectrum.

How You Can Prepare:

To ace AP Psychology MCQs, students must master content, practice consistently, and manage time. UWorld's Learning Tools for AP Courses offer essential practice questions and explanations. Students can confidently approach the 2024 AP Psychology exam's MCQ section with these tools, plus test-taking skills and stress management.

Free-Response Questions (FRQs)

In AP Psychology, FRQs assess your ability to relate psychological theories to real-life scenarios. You'll analyze a scenario and demonstrate your understanding of theories and concepts. These questions also involve research methods, where you'll examine research studies, interpret quantitative data, and assess study design and results. You'll analyze a scenario, data summary, and answer related questions. Read our article on how to answer AP Psychology FRQs to know more.

How You Can Prepare:

To prepare effectively, you’ll need to review your understanding of psychological concepts. You can practice with UWorld's Learning Tools for AP Courses, which provide valuable practice and enhance your critical thinking skills.

AP Psych Pacing Plan

Effectively preparing for the AP Psychology exam ultimately hinges on having a well-paced study plan. Having a well-paced plan ensures that you cover all the necessary content, practice regularly, and manage your time efficiently to build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for success on exam day.

2+ Months Before the AP Psychology Exam

What Does Preparation Look Like? Why Is It Important?
Your study plan begins with an in-depth review of course materials, textbooks, and notes. You should revisit key concepts from each unit and practice with sample questions to identify your strengths and areas that need improvement. Starting early allows you to break down the extensive content into manageable sections. This gradual approach supports better comprehension and retention, increasing your chances of success on the AP Psychology exam. It also permits time for revisiting challenging topics and seeking help when needed.

2 Months - 2 Weeks Before the AP Psychology Exam

What Does Preparation Look Like? Why Is It Important?
During this phase, focus on targeted review. Prioritize topics you find most challenging. Utilize practice tests and resources like UWorld's Learning Tools for AP Courses to gauge your progress and address weak points. Fine-tuning your knowledge ensures you're well-prepared. It helps to build confidence and refine your test-taking skills. A strategic approach during these weeks leads to better retention and performance on the AP Psychology exam.

Final Week Before the AP Psychology Exam

What Does Preparation Look Like? Why Is It Important?
In this final stretch focuses on quick reviews, active recall, and practice tests. Spend time on weak areas. Get adequate sleep, and organize all needed materials. This phase helps solidify your knowledge. Adequate rest and organization reduce stress. Focusing on areas needing improvement sharpens your skills, maximizing your readiness for the AP Psychology exam.

The Day Before the AP Psychology Exam

What Does Preparation Look Like? Why Is It Important?
On exam day, revise key concepts but avoid cramming. Get a good night's sleep, eat well, and arrive early with the required materials. Last-minute cramming may increase stress. A rested and focused mind ensures better recall and performance during the AP Psychology exam. Arriving early and well-prepared boosts confidence.
A brain shape made from coloured shapes sits on top of a pink background.

Additional AP Psychology Prep Resources

In addition to this AP Psychology study plan, there are several valuable resources you can use to support your preparation for the AP Psychology exam. One exceptional resource is UWorld's Learning Tools for AP Courses, which offers a variety of AP Psychology practice questions with detailed answer explanations. These tools are tailored to the AP Psychology curriculum, providing you with targeted practice to reinforce your understanding of the content. Additionally, UWorld can help you develop critical thinking skills essential for both MCQs and FRQs. Beyond these tools, consider seeking additional practice exams, consulting your teacher for guidance, and joining study groups to reinforce your comprehension of complex concepts and ensure you're well-prepared for the exam.

500+ exam-like questions Study smarter with UWorld and see 5's in your future.
Image shows the brain and the two divisions of the nervous system, which are the parasympathetic division and the sympathetic division.


  1. The College Board. . AP Psychology: About the Exam. (2023). AP Psychology Exam – AP Students. Apstudents.collegeboard.org. Retrieved on March 11, 2024 from
  2. AP psychology course and exam description. (Fall 2020). apcentral.collegeboard.org. Retrieved on March 11, 2024 from

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